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18 media found - you are at page 79 of 88
  1405   Camellia_sinensis.JPG
hits = 925
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0.00/ 0 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > T
  1406   Strychnos_potatorum.JPG
hits = 990
  • 5.00
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5.00/ 2 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > T
  1407   Heliotropium_indicum.JPG
hits = 974
  • 1.00
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1.00/ 1 vote
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > T
  1408   Boerhaavia_diffusa.JPG
hits = 1401
  • 4.25
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  • 5
4.25/ 4 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > T
  1409   Nelumbo_nucifera.JPG
hits = 1230
  • 4.00
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4.00/ 2 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > T
  1410   Cassia_senna.jpg
hits = 1220
  • 3.33
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  • 5
3.33/ 6 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > S
  1411   Asparagus_recemosus.JPG
hits = 2098
  • 4.50
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4.50/ 8 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > S
  1412   Mentha_piperita.JPG
hits = 1726
  • 4.31
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  • 5
4.31/ 13 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > P
  1413   Oxalis_corniculata.jpg
hits = 1226
  • 4.00
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4.00/ 3 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > P
  1414   Vernonia_cinerea.jpg
hits = 1657
  • 4.29
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  • 5
4.29/ 7 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > P
  1415   Jasminum_grandiflorum.jpg
hits = 1334
  • 3.38
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  • 5
3.38/ 8 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > P
  1416   Clerodendrum_viscosum.jpg
hits = 1014
  • 4.25
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4.25/ 4 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > P
  1417   Sapindus_laurifolia.JPG
hits = 1111
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2.00/ 2 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > P
  1418   Streblus_asper.jpg
hits = 1165
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3.00/ 1 vote
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > P
  1419   Hedyotis_corymbosa.JPG
hits = 1416
  • 4.33
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  • 5
4.33/ 3 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > P
  1420   Plectranthus_amboinicus.JPG
hits = 2200
  • 3.91
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3.91/ 22 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > P
  1421   Spilanthes_acmella.JPG
hits = 1713
  • 4.67
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4.67/ 6 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > P
  1422   desmodium_gangeticum.jpg
hits = 1264
  • 3.67
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  • 5
3.67/ 3 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > O
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