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18 media found - you are at page 77 of 88
  1369   Ficus_racemosa.jpg
hits = 1671
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4.00/ 1 vote
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > A
  1370   Scindapsus_officinalis.jpg
hits = 1590
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3.00/ 3 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > A
  1371   Osbeckia_wayanadensis.JPG
hits = 1801
  • 2.50
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2.50/ 2 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > A
  1372   Ficus_carica.jpg
hits = 3406
  • 4.13
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4.13/ 8 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > A
  1373   Ixora_macrothyrsa.JPG
hits = 1932
  • 3.60
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3.60/ 5 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > A
  1374   Lantana_camara.JPG
hits = 1672
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4.50/ 2 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > A
  1375   Polyalthia_longifolia.jpg
hits = 1501
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3.00/ 5 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > A
  1376   Chonemorpha_fragrans.JPG
hits = 1642
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3.00/ 2 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > A
  1377   Spondias_pinnata.jpg
hits = 1605
  • 4.25
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4.25/ 4 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > A
  1378   Lablab_purpureus.jpg
hits = 1612
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4.00/ 1 vote
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > A
  1379   Anacyclus_pyrethrum.jpg
hits = 1451
  • 0.00
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0.00/ 0 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > A
  1380   Passiflora_leschenaultii.JPG
hits = 1504
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0.00/ 0 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > A
  1381   Passiflora_foetida.jpg
hits = 1628
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0.00/ 0 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > A
  1382   Ipomoea_pes-caprae.jpg
hits = 1766
  • 2.67
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2.67/ 3 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > A
  1383   Adhatoda_beddomei.jpg
hits = 2519
  • 4.36
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4.36/ 11 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > A
  1384   Cassia_auriculata.jpg
hits = 1642
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4.00/ 1 vote
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > A
  1385   Cleome_viscosa.jpg
hits = 1723
  • 3.00
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3.00/ 1 vote
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > A
  1386   Lepidium_sativum.jpg
hits = 1879
  • 4.25
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4.25/ 4 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > A
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