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18 media found - you are at page 71 of 88
  1261   Aloe_vera.jpg
hits = 2275
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4.63/ 16 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > K
  1262   Rauvolfia_canescens.jpg
hits = 887
  • 0.00
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0.00/ 0 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > K
  1263   Tinospora_malabarica.jpg
hits = 913
  • 0.00
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  • 5
0.00/ 0 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > K
  1264   Jatropha_curcas.jpg
hits = 1005
  • 0.00
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  • 5
0.00/ 0 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > K
  1265   Curcuma_aromatica.jpg
hits = 1449
  • 4.17
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  • 5
4.17/ 6 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > K
  1266   Impatiens_chinensis.JPG
hits = 1161
  • 1.00
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1.00/ 1 vote
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > K
  1267   Anacardium_occidentale.jpg
hits = 982
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3.00/ 2 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > K
  1268   Cinnamomum_verum.jpg
hits = 1132
  • 5.00
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5.00/ 3 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > K
  1269   Papaver_somniferum.jpg
hits = 1088
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0.00/ 0 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > K
  1270   Cinnamomum_camphora.jpg
hits = 1336
  • 4.00
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4.00/ 4 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > K
  1271   Ocimum_kiliandscharicum.jpg
hits = 2126
  • 3.88
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  • 5
3.88/ 8 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > K
  1272   Acacia_nilotica.jpg
hits = 1198
  • 5.00
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  • 5
5.00/ 1 vote
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > K
  1273   Samadera_indica.jpg
hits = 1310
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0.00/ 0 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > K
  1274   Saccharum_officinarum.jpg
hits = 1270
  • 3.83
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  • 5
3.83/ 6 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > K
  1275   Trapa_natans.jpg
hits = 1656
  • 2.33
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  • 5
2.33/ 3 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > K
  1276   Portulaca_oleracea.jpg
hits = 3946
  • 3.70
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3.70/ 10 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > K
  1277   Aristolochia_indica.jpg
hits = 1210
  • 3.00
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  • 5
3.00/ 2 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > K
  1278   Capsicum_frutescens.jpg
hits = 1133
  • 5.00
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  • 5
5.00/ 2 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > K
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