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18 media found - you are at page 58 of 88
  1027   Terminalia_bellirica.jpg
hits = 1263
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3.00/ 2 votes
> Plants arranged by Botanical Name > T
  1028   Terminalia_catappa.jpg
hits = 971
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3.00/ 1 vote
> Plants arranged by Botanical Name > T
  1029   Terminalia_paniculata.jpg
hits = 1105
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3.00/ 1 vote
> Plants arranged by Botanical Name > T
  1030   Theobroma_cacao.JPG
hits = 1033
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4.00/ 1 vote
> Plants arranged by Botanical Name > T
  1031   Thespesia_populnea.jpg
hits = 1487
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5.00/ 5 votes
> Plants arranged by Botanical Name > T
  1032   Tinospora_malabarica.jpg
hits = 1492
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3.00/ 1 vote
> Plants arranged by Botanical Name > T
  1033   Toddalia_asiatica.jpg
hits = 1310
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4.33/ 3 votes
> Plants arranged by Botanical Name > T
  1034   Tragia_involucrata.jpg
hits = 1686
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2.00/ 2 votes
> Plants arranged by Botanical Name > T
  1035   Trapa_natans.jpg
hits = 1297
  • 3.75
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3.75/ 4 votes
> Plants arranged by Botanical Name > T
  1036   Trema_orientalis.JPG
hits = 1115
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3.00/ 1 vote
> Plants arranged by Botanical Name > T
  1037   Tribulus_terrestris.jpg
hits = 1459
  • 3.20
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3.20/ 5 votes
> Plants arranged by Botanical Name > T
  1038   Trichosanthes_cucumerina.jpg
hits = 1398
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3.50/ 4 votes
> Plants arranged by Botanical Name > T
  1039   Trichosanthes_lobata.jpg
hits = 1463
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3.60/ 5 votes
> Plants arranged by Botanical Name > T
  1040   Tridax_procumbens.JPG
hits = 2395
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4.23/ 13 votes
> Plants arranged by Botanical Name > T
  1041   Trigonella_foemum-graecum.jpg
hits = 1395
  • 3.80
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3.80/ 5 votes
> Plants arranged by Botanical Name > T
  1042   Tylophora_indica.jpg
hits = 1579
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2.25/ 4 votes
> Plants arranged by Botanical Name > T
  1043   Urena_lobata.JPG
hits = 1169
  • 4.17
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4.17/ 6 votes
> Plants arranged by Botanical Name > U
  1044   Urtica_parviflora.jpg
hits = 1198
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4.50/ 2 votes
> Plants arranged by Botanical Name > U
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