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18 media found - you are at page 78 of 88
  1387   Artocarpus_hirsutus.jpg
hits = 2121
  • 4.33
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4.33/ 3 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > A
  1388   Cassia_alata.jpg
hits = 2244
  • 3.00
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3.00/ 7 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > A
  1389   Mimosa_invisa.JPG
hits = 2583
  • 4.17
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  • 5
4.17/ 6 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > A
  1390   Urtica_parviflora.jpg
hits = 2637
  • 4.40
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  • 5
4.40/ 5 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > A
  1391   Sida_rhombifolia.jpg
hits = 2588
  • 4.00
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4.00/ 1 vote
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > A
  1392   Trema_orientalis.JPG
hits = 2256
  • 1.00
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1.00/ 1 vote
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > A
  1393   Evolvulus_alsinoides.jpg
hits = 1503
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3.00/ 1 vote
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > V
  1394   Limonia_acidissima.jpg
hits = 989
  • 0.00
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0.00/ 0 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > V
  1395   Boerhaavia_procumbense.JPG
hits = 943
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0.00/ 0 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > V
  1396   Abutilon_indicum.JPG
hits = 968
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0.00/ 0 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > V
  1397   Clitoria_ternatea_(white_variety).JPG
hits = 1123
  • 0.00
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0.00/ 0 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > V
  1398   Hygrophilla_auriculata.jpg
hits = 1668
  • 4.75
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  • 5
4.75/ 4 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > V
  1399   Basella_rubra.JPG
hits = 1217
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0.00/ 0 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > V
  1400   Achyranthes_aspera.jpg
hits = 1450
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0.00/ 0 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > V
  1401   Ocimum_sanctum_(white_variety).jpg
hits = 2434
  • 4.53
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  • 5
4.53/ 17 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > T
  1402   Mimosa_pudica.JPG
hits = 1449
  • 4.78
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  • 5
4.78/ 9 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > T
  1403   Ipomoea_sepiaria.jpg
hits = 1405
  • 3.50
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  • 5
3.50/ 2 votes
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > T
  1404   Piper_longum.JPG
hits = 1516
  • 5.00
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5.00/ 1 vote
> Plants arranged by Malayalam Name > T
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