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18 media found - you are at page 44 of 88
  775   Saraca_asoka.JPG
hits = 1367
  • 4.60
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4.60/ 5 votes
> Plants arranged by Sanskrit Name > A
  776   Scoparia_dulcis_.jpg
hits = 759
  • 2.67
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2.67/ 3 votes
> Plants arranged by Sanskrit Name > A
  777   Pterocarpus_marsupium_.jpg
hits = 801
  • 0.00
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0.00/ 0 votes
> Plants arranged by Sanskrit Name > A
  778   Breynia_rhamnoides.JPG
hits = 898
  • 3.00
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3.00/ 4 votes
> Plants arranged by Sanskrit Name > A
  779   Calotropis_gigantea_(White_variety).JPG
hits = 869
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3.00/ 3 votes
> Plants arranged by Sanskrit Name > A
  780   Calotropis_gigantea_(Blue_variety).jpg
hits = 881
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3.00/ 1 vote
> Plants arranged by Sanskrit Name > A
  781   Lagerstroemia_speciosa_.JPG
hits = 898
  • 4.33
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4.33/ 3 votes
> Plants arranged by Sanskrit Name > A
  782   Terminalia_arjuna_.jpg
hits = 1068
  • 4.50
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  • 5
4.50/ 2 votes
> Plants arranged by Sanskrit Name > A
  783   Acacia_leucophloea_.jpg
hits = 734
  • 4.00
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4.00/ 1 vote
> Plants arranged by Sanskrit Name > A
  784   Zingiber_zerumbet.jpg
hits = 970
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  • 5
4.00/ 1 vote
> Plants arranged by Sanskrit Name > A
  785   Zingiber_officinale.JPG
hits = 863
  • 3.50
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  • 5
3.50/ 2 votes
> Plants arranged by Sanskrit Name > A
  786   Cinnamomum_malabathrum.jpg
hits = 669
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  • 5
2.50/ 2 votes
> Plants arranged by Sanskrit Name > A
  787   Vernonia_anthelmintica.jpg
hits = 772
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  • 5
3.50/ 2 votes
> Plants arranged by Sanskrit Name > A
  788   Atlantia_monophylla_.jpg
hits = 729
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  • 5
3.50/ 2 votes
> Plants arranged by Sanskrit Name > A
  789   Ailanthus_excelsa_.JPG
hits = 847
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4.00/ 2 votes
> Plants arranged by Sanskrit Name > A
  790   Cassia_fistula.JPG
hits = 1073
  • 4.50
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  • 5
4.50/ 2 votes
> Plants arranged by Sanskrit Name > A
  791   Achyranthes_aspera_.JPG
hits = 1299
  • 4.25
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  • 5
4.25/ 4 votes
> Plants arranged by Sanskrit Name > A
  792   Cyathula_prostrata.JPG
hits = 1518
  • 2.50
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  • 5
2.50/ 2 votes
> Plants arranged by Sanskrit Name > A
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