A moderate sized to large deciduous tree with spreading branches. Leaves ovate, elliptic, or obovate, glabrous to tawny-villous beneath with a pair of large glands at the top of the petiole; flowers yellowish white in the terminal simple spikes or short panicles fruits glabrous, shining, ellipsoidal, obovoid or ovoid drupes, yellow to orange brown in color, faintly angled, up to 3.75 cm long; seeds hard, pale yellow.
Plant pacifies vitiated tridoshas, wound, ulcer, inflammation, anorexia, flatulence, haemorrhoids, jaundice, hiccough, cough, vesical and renal calculi, epilepsy, skin diseases, leprosy, intermittent fever, cardiac disorders, stomatitis, neuropathy and general debility.