A new hope for Ayurveda in the Cyber World |
Ayurveda, the ancient and glorious Indian therapeutic measure is renowned as one of the major systems of alternative and complimentary medicine. As other herbal systems, greater parts of its medicaments are purely based on harmless and health giving herbal drugs. As all of you know, there is a new awareness all over the world regarding the efficacy of Ayurvedic drugs and treatments. Many people from all over the globe seek Ayurvedic remedies for their ailments. You may perhaps be aware of the fact that a large number of patients from different parts of the world look for Ayurvedic treatment.
The thorough and fractionate knowledge about the medicinal plants is mandatory for all who is working in the field of Ayurveda, in order to identify and select the appropriate plant for a specific disease. Recently, the interest in medicinal plants has increased in a great deal. Apart form this, scientists from the west have also taken this matter seriously by conducting various researches on plant based medicines. But for reference, a complete website regarding Ayurvedic medicinal plants is nowhere available in the net, till the establishment of the website www.ayurvedicmedicinalplants.com. This website is mainly concerned with the morphology and the therapeutic properties of Indian medicinal herbs. The findings obtained by the research workers who have been engaged with medicinal plants also will be incorporated in future. It is certainly a complete work, presenting almost all varieties of indigenous Ayurvedic medicinal plants especially grown naturally in Kerala. The viewer can come across realistic, high resolution digital pictures of Ayurvedic medicinal plants, plant morphology, therapeutic properties, the Ayurvedic principle behind the selection of a plant as a medicine etc. with no access restriction. Apart form this basic property of this site is regular renewal of its contents, to keep it up-to-date and feel it always fresh for a reviewer. Main features of this website A viewer can met with high quality photographs of more than 500 Ayurvedic medicinal plants for easy identification of the plant. In addition to these, Botanical name, Family, Sanskrit, Hindi, English and Malayalam names and synonyms of each plant are displayed. For the easy access of desired plant there is a multi language index, categorized with Botanical, Sanskrit and Malayalam names. For the easy targeting of a plant, a search function is also incorporated. While the discussion with one of the moderators of the website, he informed some more facilities to be incorporated in future to this site, like an active discussion forum moderated by eminent scholars for the sharing of Medical related information and clarification of doubts in Ayurveda. Also a free downloading centre for downloading Medical and Ayurvedic e-books, beautiful screen savers, Ayurvedic articles etc., a home remedy page, a feature for the publication of research work in Ayurvedic field, an Interactive CD on Ayurvedic medicinal plants and online sale of seedlings, seeds, genuine Ayurvedic raw drugs, prepared drugs, extracts etc. for medicine manufactures, and much more.. This website is created and maintained by a group of Ayurvedic physicians working in Kerala, outfitted in both academic field and in general practice. Subsequent to the evaluation of this website and talk with the moderators, I am convinced the importance of this site in the academy as well as in general practice field. This site is indeed a great contribution to Ayurvedic field especially students and those who want to follow our greatest tradition, the Ayurveda. |